
What Are the Common Causes of Back Pain?

  Back pain is a common health problem that can people of all ages. Are you experiencing continued back pain on a daily basis? Do you feel stiff or sore after sleeping for a long time? You should consult an orthopaedic specialist. AOSM is a popular medical clinic that provides treatment for all joint injuries and problems. Here, you will get the best orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi . Certainly, a majority of back pain causes are not life-threatening and can be treated by following home remedies. However, if you didn’t get any relief from home remedies, then you should seek medical help. Following are some common causes of back pain: Pulled muscle or tendon Lifting heavy objects or boxes can lead to sore back resulting in severe back pain. In fact, if you have slept in the wrong position, then it can cause tightness and spasms as well. Arthritis According to a recent survey report, more than 52 million people are suffering from the pain of arthritis, and stiffness. Arthrit...

How Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Can Help You?

  Orthopaedic physical therapy can help you treat injuries and prevent further problems as well. Compression fractures, broken bones, dislocations, stress fractures, muscle injury, ruptures, and tendon tears are some of the common reasons why should you visit an orthopaedist. Are you looking for a professional orthopaedic doctor? AOSM is one of the most popular medical clinics that provides treatment for all sports injuries. This medical clinic is also known for being the best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi . In orthopaedic physical therapy, specialists diagnose and treat abnormal physical function related to a disability, an injury, or any other health condition. In simple terms, if you are experiencing an illness or injury that affects your joints, bones, tendons, muscles, or ligaments, then orthopaedic physical therapy can help. Which conditions does an orthopaedic physical therapist can treat? Basically, orthopaedic physical therapy focuses on treating musculoskeletal injuri...

Effective Ways To Boost Recovery After A Surgery

 If you just had surgery, then you must be interested in knowing how you can recover faster and return to your daily routine. Clearly, getting recovered from any surgery is a straightforward process but can be challenging in some cases as well. ASOM is one of the most popular medical centres that have a team of the best arthroscopic surgeons in Delhi . They diagnose and provide treatment to help you get recovered fast. Recovery after any surgery is a simple task. However, for some patients, quick recovery requires care and diligence for their incisions. Following are some effective ways that can help you boost recovery after your surgery: Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions A majority of patients follow their surgeon’s instructions but some don’t feel like applying them. Always remember a simple instruction like don’t take bath after few days of surgery is extremely important. There is a very good reason behind every instruction given to you by your surgeon. So, you should fol...

Things That Can Worsen Your Knee Pain

Well, knee pain is a common health problem that people report to knee specialists. No matter you are a long time runner, a high school athlete, or a senior adult, anyone can develop this common health problem. The worst part is that knee pain keeps you enjoying the activities you love and impact your daily lifestyle. Cartilage damage, injury, and arthritis can be the reasons for knee pain. What is severe knee pain? In simple terms, it is long-term pain, inflammations, or sensitivity in one or both knee joints. Severe knee pain requires immediate medical attention. So, it’s imperative to consult a knee specialist. AOSM is one of the most popular medical centres that have the best knee surgeons in Delhi . They diagnose your knee joint properly and provide you with the best treatment to help you get back to your normal lifestyle. What are the causes of knee pain? Clearly, not every knee pain is the same. Temporary knee pain can get treated with the help of home remedies while chro...

How Physiotherapy is Helpful in the Treatment of COVID Patients?

Clearly, the entire world has witnessed the devastation of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020. In fact, many countries across the world are struggling with different stages of Coronavirus infections and many are in post-COVID phase. Undeniably, a lot of patients get successfully recovered from COVID-19, but many of the patients are struggling with the short and long term effects of this deadly disease. Are you experiencing tiredness, chest pain, headache, shortness of breath and cough after COVID-19? Well, post-COVID physiotherapy rehabilitation can help you get relief from such problems. AOSM is one of the best physiotherapy centres in Delhi that provides physical therapy treatment to help you bounce back to your healthy life. Here, you will get physiotherapy sessions from certified physiotherapists. Many patients ignore these post-COVID symptoms which leads to more health problems. So, do not take these post-COVID symptoms lightly and consult the best physiotherapist. You need to und...

What Are the Advantages of Chiropractic Care?

  Are you experiencing negative health symptoms like headaches or back pain ? Seems like extremely small health problems, right? Certainly, there are various home remedies that can help you treat these problems at home. In fact, there are many pain relief medications that can give your relief from pain. Keep in mind that medicines can give your relief but won’t fix your problem completely. Chiropractic care can help you overcome some or all of your symptoms. Are you looking for chiropractic services? AOSM is one of the best med-centers that offers the best chiropractor services in Delhi . Many people believe that chiropractic care is beneficial for neck or back pain. If you believe this too, then you should think again! There are several benefits of Chiropractic care. Let’s dive into some of the advantages of Chiropractic care: Boost your immunity Immunity is important for every living being. After all, a healthy immune system can fight most viruses and bacteria. Chirop...

Everything You Need to Know About Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is one of the most complex joints of our body. Basically, it is a complex joint of four muscles and tendons. Well, the role of rotator cuff is to stabilize your shoulder. In fact, rotator cuff plays a major role in the movement of your joint. Certainly, it is one of the most important and commonly injured area in a human body. Well, the most common injuries are tendinitis, bursitis and strains. It’s no secret that shoulder pain is one of the common health problems that people ignore these days.  Doubtlessly, shoulder pain can be treated at home but sometime needs specialist advice. So, if you are experiencing shoulder pain from a long time then you should not ignore it and consult a good shoulder specialist. Are you looking for the best shoulder specialist? AOSM is one of the best med-centres that provide treatment to help you get relief from pain. Here, you will get treatment from the best shoulder surgeons in Delhi . Wondering about the reasons of shoulder inj...