Everything You Need to Know About Rotator Cuff Injury

The rotator cuff is one of the most complex joints of our body. Basically, it is a complex joint of four muscles and tendons. Well, the role of rotator cuff is to stabilize your shoulder. In fact, rotator cuff plays a major role in the movement of your joint. Certainly, it is one of the most important and commonly injured area in a human body. Well, the most common injuries are tendinitis, bursitis and strains. It’s no secret that shoulder pain is one of the common health problems that people ignore these days. 

Doubtlessly, shoulder pain can be treated at home but sometime needs specialist advice. So, if you are experiencing shoulder pain from a long time then you should not ignore it and consult a good shoulder specialist. Are you looking for the best shoulder specialist? AOSM is one of the best med-centres that provide treatment to help you get relief from pain. Here, you will get treatment from the best shoulder surgeons in Delhi.

Wondering about the reasons of shoulder injury?

Well, there can be many causes of a rotator cuff injury! They tend to fall in one of these categories-  Bursitis, Tendinitis and Rotator cuff strains or tears.

Bursitis is one of the most common rotator cuff injuries. The reason of this injury is inflammation of the bursa.

Tendinitis is another common injury which is cause due to overuse of the rotator cuff. Painters, tennis plays, and people who have to use their shoulder more experience this injury.

Rotator cuff strains or tears are caused by an acute injury or overuse of the shoulder. During this injury, the tendons that connect muscles to bones can tear, overstretch partially or completely. This can be after a car accident or any other injury. Rotator cuff tears or strain is extremely painful.

Let’s talk about the symptoms of rotator cuff injury:

Do you know, not all rotator cuff injuries cause pain? Some of the rotator cuff injuries are the result of degenerative conditions which means that the rotator cuff could be damaged for years before you experience the symptoms.  

Common symptoms of rotator cuff injury are:

  • Trouble reaching behind the back
  • Feeling weakness in the shoulder
  • Intense pain in the shoulder
  • Difficulty sleeping on the injured shoulder
  • Avoiding some daily work activities because of pain

These all are the common symptoms of developing rotator cuff injury. If you are experiencing these symptoms for more than a week then you should see a shoulder specialist. Keep in mind that ignoring problems can worsen your condition.

Who is at risk for rotator cuff injuries?

Well, rotator cuff injuries can be degenerative or acute both.

Usually, acute injuries occur from a specific incident like lifting heavy weights, falling or keeping your shoulder in the wrong position. Youngsters are more prone to this type of rotator cuff injury. 

On the other hand, degenerative injuries are caused because of overuse. Athletes, baseball players, wrestlers, tennis players, painters are more prone to this type of injury. 


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